"Fran" A Beautiful Video Tribute to a Lost Love Filmed in Big Stone Gap


"Dedicated to all who are longing a loved one"

 Big Stone Gap resident, Henry Keuling-Stout, has gathered together an international group of Artist to produce a loving tribute to his late wife Fran. This group, ranging from Big Stone Gap, New York, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Canada, China, Spain, France, and Poland, all helped Henry in producing this touching video.  The video was shot right here in Big Stone Gap

With Covid affecting so many in the past year, many of us have had to deal with the loss of a loved one. Henry’s tribute to his undying love for his wife will hopefully speak to some of you that have experienced the same pain.

Witek Wolny, who had several major roles in the production of this video, had this to say:
"Art has always been the most universal language for expressing profound human feelings and need for transcendence.

They have lived together for 33 years. She departed this life two years ago, and since then Henry and Fran have lived their love between this world and the Universe. Art has continued to be their language of love and passion."
Witek Wolny


"Impressed by their story,- artists from Spain, China, Italy, Poland, France, Canada and the US - collaborated in a creation of song titled “Fran”, that expresses those universal, poignant feelings of longing, love and spiritual union that transcends space and time. This song has been recorded in four languages (Spanish, Italian, French and Chinese) and dedicated to “all who are longing a loved one” – in particular hundreds of thousands of those lost in current pandemic.

This way, the story of Henry and Fran has become paradigmatic and somehow transcends itself."

Witek Wolny 

Henry Keuling-Stout gives us some insight into this moving collaboration of love in his own words:
"The SONG is about me and Fran, my wife,  (who is now in Heaven) and I'm finding and having "my" Butterflies reach out to Fran and bring her close to me. For I know that my Fran HAS NOT DISAPPEARED AND NEVER WILL, INDEED, FRAN IS STILL WITH ME. And the HEART of this SONG is to bring this SONG to the HEARTS OF EVERYONE IN THIS WORLD AND BEYOND..."

Henry Keuling-Stout


"This Song "FRAN" has numerous ARTISTS AND FRIENDS from Big Stone Gap, New York, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Canada, China, Spain, France and Poland.  This project, started almost exactly one year ago, and was able to be finished in the midst of the world's pandemic. And all this effort is "Fran" reaching out to the many, many people in this world who are "LONGING FOR A LOVED ONE"."

Henry Keuling-Stout

It is truly humbling to see how many individuals came together from all over the world to help one of our very own Big Stone Gap residents express his undying love for his beloved wife. Below, you will find a list of credits to the truly amazing individuals responsible for this tribute:

Music: Witek Wolny,  Lyrics: Cecé  Silva
Music recording:
 - Voices: Miss Gi (Spanish),  Avery Koh (Chinese), Charlotte (Italian), and Elly Ball (French)
- Guitar: Adam Bul
- Percussion: Brendan Buckley
- Wurlitzer: Chris Joyner
- Guitar (solo), bass, viola, violin: Stevie Blacke
- Arrangements: Stevie Blacke for Flagship Artists,  Los Angeles, 2020
- Additional arrangements: David Tobocman
- Production: Witek Wolny for WW music 
- Executive producer: Henry Keuling-Stout
- Mixing and mastering: Scott Hull, Masterdisk, New York, 2020
Music video:
- Acting: Henry Keuling-Stout, Diana Skeen 
- Choreography and dance: Julia Bondis
- Assistant choreographer for Mr. Keuring-Stout: Sarah Laughland
- Sarah Laughland (Big Stone Gap, Virginia crew)
- Kévin Richarte (Paris, France crew)
- Video producer: Krzysztof Stasiak for BMC Film, Poland.
- Screenplay: Krzysztof Stasiak and Witek Wolny
- Location producer: Stephen Lawson
- Assistant: Coleen Skeen
- Graphics: Alberto Cerezo
This video was recorded in Big Stone Gap (Virginia) and Paris, France.

Truly a world wide collaboration! Thank you for sharing with us all!
